Most of our garden tools have one thing in common: sharp blades! This applies to our hatchets and axes as well as to our pruning saws, garden shears, hoes, sickles and scythes.

But what is sharpness? Technically speaking, it occurs where the two bevelled edges of a blade intersect. The angle at which they meet is the bevel or cutting angle. The intersection line of the two surfaces forms the cutting edge. With a blunt edge, the surfaces do not meet precisely at one point, but merge into one another in a more or less rounded surface. Conversely, this means: the more precise the cutting line, the sharper the cutting edge.
The prerequisite for maximum sharpness is the use of high-quality steels! These can be quickly re-sharpened without much effort, since even the sharpest tools – depending on how often and intensively they are used – need the right care.
For this purpose, DICTUM offers a wide range of sharpening devices for different areas of application. Our tip for knives, hatchets, hoes and scissors is to use the DMT Diafold All-purpose Sharpeners with fine and coarse grit. They are a basic piece of kit for all those who want to sharpen their tools themselves.

If you prefer to have sharpening done by experienced professionals, then why not make use of our convenient sharpening service. Within a few days you will receive your sharpened tool back!